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  1. Disaster Waste Management Information Site Top page
  2. Investigative Commission on Managing Waste from Major Disasters

Investigative Commission on Managing Waste from Major Disasters

Purpose of Establishment

A major disaster requires a different response than a more typical one. For example, the disaster-struck area may not be confined to only one prefecture, or neighboring prefectures may not be able to carry out the necessary response on their own. Therefore, it is vital to determine what the national government, prefectural governments, municipal governments, private enterprises and other actors need to do in non-emergency circumstances in order to prepare for a major disaster. It is also important in non-disaster areas and during times of normalcy to carry out countermeasures by working together with enterprises that do not do business in waste treatment.

The Investigative Commission on Managing Waste from Major Disasters convenes for the purpose of examining such matters as guidelines on handling disaster waste when a major disaster occurs and the implementation of these guidelines.

Matters Under the Commission's Purview

  • Proposed guidelines on managing waste from major disasters
  • Adoption of basic policies on disaster waste treatment in accordance with the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act
  • The nature of the Disaster Waste Treatment Support Network (D.Waste-Net) and how to attain it, etc.
  • The nature of interregional cooperation focused on waste treatment during times of disaster
  • Matters pertaining to other disaster waste treatment systems and techniques, etc.

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