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  1. Disaster Waste Management Information Site Top page
  2. Relationship Diagram of Disaster Waste Management Plan and Guidelines

Relationship Diagram of Disaster Waste Management Plan and Guidelines

Relationship Diagram of Waste Management Plan and Guidelines against Disaster

These guidelines organize basic ideas and policies for the proper, smooth and timely treatment of disaster waste in the event of a major disaster, when frameworks and measures employed under non-emergency circumstances are unavailable. - Provide specific information on basic ideas behind measures to deal with waste in preparation for a major disaster. These ideas shall be formulated and adapted in accordance with laws such as the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act (Article 5, paragraph 2), the Prefectural Waste Treatment Plan (Article 5, paragraph 5), the Basic Disaster Plan Formulated in Accordance with the Basic Act on Disaster Control Measures (Article 34), the Ministry of the Environment's Disaster Management Plan (Article 36) and the Prefectural Regional Plan for Disaster Prevention (Article 40). - Provide guidelines to formulate concrete measures to prepare for a major disaster. Such measures shall come from disaster waste measures written in such documents as the Basic Act for National Resilience Contributing to Preventing and Mitigating Disasters for Developing Resilience in the Lives of the Citizenry (Act No. 95 of December 11, 2013), the Act on Special Measures for a Tokyo Earthquake (Act No. 88 of November 29, 2013), the Special Measures Act on Promoting Earthquake Disaster Management in Relation to a Nankai Trough Earthquake (Act No. 92 of July 26, 2002), as well as other relevant laws and plans related to disaster mitigation and management. - Provide guidelines for reference purposes for action plans to be formulated by regional block conferences as one purpose for independent action by regional blocs as encouraged by the Ministry of the Environment. - In relation to revised laws, formulate in advance a blueprint for treatment guidelines by the Minister of the Environment, as stipulated in the Basic Act on Disaster Control Measures (Article 86, paragraph 5), as a response in the wake of a major disaster.

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